for sale

At the end of displaying the physical work, the façade (wall) will be knocked down with a sledgehammer by the author in a performance piece recorded on video. The final iteration of the work will be released as a limited edition of 3 (three), each edition pertaining to a selection of fragments from the façade (wall) accompanied by a copy of a single-channel digital video on media storage, as well as a copy of the artist book.

The author of the project covers the cost of the construction and logistics of the façade (wall) and concrete base, as well as the initial intervention. Each collaborator is responsible for the cost of materials for their respective interventions, including transport.

The sale of work during the Fynarts Hermanus festival and three months thereafter will be split as follows. The author, Ashley Walters, receives 35% of the total selling price. The Hermanus FynArts organizers receive 15%, whereas the remaining 50% is split evenly amongst the remaining collaborators.

Parallel II, 2023 (single-channel video, concrete fragments, artist book)

HD single-channel video + sound; concrete, steel, mixed media,

Edition of 3, Size variable

Edition selling price. R60 000

©2023 Ashley Walters | +27 71 350 2098